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ZOSE Chuangda Helps 2020 China Tennis Tournament
Date:2022-08-01Source: ZOSE Chuangda

ZOSE Chuangda assists the 2020 China Tennis Tour with the official premiere at the Guangzhou Tennis Center.


       ZOSE Chuangda provided full-field LED large-screen visual effects services. At the opening ceremony, ZOSE Chuangda's big screen made a wonderful display, allowing more fans to know tennis, fall in love with tennis, and feel the pure charm of tennis.



In the future, ZOSE Chuangda will also provide a wonderful visual feast for the use of LED screen display system to provide interactive services to fans and players. The significance of the 2020 China Tennis Tour is far more than just a game, it is also the first tennis event launched after the epidemic in China, which symbolizes that the epidemic in China has gradually gone away!




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