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ZOSE Chuangda helps Guangzhou Xiagang Street Embroidery Kung Fu Garbage Sorting City Experience Hall
Date:2022-08-01Source: ZOSE Chuangda

Garbage sorting, effortless. With the rapid development of the economy and the improvement of people's living standards, domestic waste has increased greatly, which has become one of the most serious public hazards in the world today. In general, the legislation on the classification and recycling of domestic waste in my country is still in its infancy, and a complete legal system for the classification and recycling of domestic waste needs to be established urgently.


Despite the government's promotion of waste sorting over the years, not many people really understand what the correct waste sorting is. If you want to implement garbage classification, it is impossible to rely on propaganda slogans and placing sorting trash cans. There is still a lot of supporting work to be done. The source of garbage classification is not in the trash can, nor in the people's awareness that they need to be transformed, but in the formulation of the classification method. There is no more humane classification method for garbage classification, and it is difficult for people to implement it.

In order to popularize the knowledge of garbage classification to the society and enhance the people's awareness of environmental protection, Xiagang Street Embroidery Kung Fu Garbage Classification City Experience Hall issued a tender invitation to the society. In the competition of many competitors, ZOSE Chuangda has successfully won your appreciation and invitation. In the promotion of garbage classification, according to your needs and the size of the actual venue, ZOSE Chuangda has set up a full-color LED display with a small pitch of P1.5, which can still display perfectly under different lighting conditions. ZOSE Chuangda uses high-performance lamp beads with a refresh rate of 3840Hz, low brightness and high gray, and a richer color gamut. The finished product has been approved by you and contributed to the social waste classification.


In the age of digital information, ZOSE Chuangda's small-pitch LED display presents a perfect display effect. ZOSE Chuangda's small-pitch LED display is used in lecture halls, gymnasiums, and conference rooms. The trailing, ghosting and superposition phenomena that appear in fast dynamic pictures, high brightness, wide viewing angle, and true restoration of the color itself. As a reliable large-screen supplier, ZOSE Chuangda will continue to innovate LED display technology, grasp the development needs of the times, and continue to help China's digital display take off with the most innovative display application solutions.
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